About Me
I help individuals who value the importance of investing in their health, well-being, and potential

Industry leaders, high-achievers who are always on the lookout for a new edge

Those who may be struggling, facing challenges, unwell, ripe for change, looking for empowerment and direction

Coaches and their clients to leverage their success with my particular skillset

People choose to work with me because...
No matter how someone arrives to a session, no matter how heavy or light the baggage they carry on their way in, those who invite my guidance tend to walk away feeling more grounded, empowered, inspired, renewed, confident, seen and heard at a level that has possibly been hard to come by elsewhere. Though not here for everyone, by design I am an impactful messenger, bearing life-altering gifts and new doors of perception for those who are meant to cross my path in their own right timing.
My Story
From as far back as I can remember, I felt different. Despite family and friends who loved me, I felt like I didn’t belong, like I didn’t quite fit into the framework of this reality that demands us to build, add, and acquire to be good enough, to strive to become some standardized collective ideal rather than to be who we are as unique individuals. Between my discomfort with traditional education, the mysterious health issues that plagued me from early adolescence into my twenties, and the anxiety of having to conform to societal values that made me feel dead inside, I had no idea how I would ever experience what it is to be an authentic, functional, fulfilled human being on this plane of existence.
Little did I know, at the pinnacle of my health crisis and when I felt most lost and forlorn, that a new chapter of my journey would begin, kicking off more than two decades of exploration in the field of holistic health, eventually leading to the resolution of my chronic symptoms and to the career of my dreams where I would be celebrated for my gifts, and where all that once alienated me would become my superpowers.
Now, as a recognized leader on the cutting edge of personal transformation, my ability to see down into the core of things, to hone in on crucial details and to understand how they connect, allows me to do what I do best: to target and repattern that which unknowingly sabotages one’s ultimate well-being and greatest potential. Driven to empower others wherever they may be stuck, stagnant, victimized or lost in the shuffle of a chaotic world, I provide the possibility for a better way with practical, curated tools for individualized success.


Each and every one of us is a unique human being with unique gifts and a unique trajectory in life. When we’re aligned to our true nature and allow decisions to unfold from the right place for us by design, resistance melts away and we’re able to move through the world with ease.

With awareness as to the specific ways we get pulled out of alignment by the forces around us and by our mind, we become more and more adept at releasing conditioned thoughts and behaviours, giving way to the rich wisdom potential of what we’re here to master this lifetime.

When we know who we are by design, and are no longer living out the conditioned life of who we’re not, we can take responsibility for the frequency we broadcast and the way we wield our energy, leading to much greater fulfillment in our own life and in our relationships.


When aligned to our true nature and aligned to the stage upon which we’re designed to fulfill our individual purpose, we each have an immensely valuable, authentic, and unique perspective to share with others.

"I have been seeing Melanie for over a year now. When I started with her, I really didn’t know what to expect, but I quickly felt comfortable with her and was fascinated by her unique approach. I always intuit when it is time for a session with Melanie, and I feel confident that I will come away feeling better every time. I have gained so much insight and healing, and am so grateful. I have tried many modalities, and working with Melanie creates the deep transformation that I seek. I have deepened my self-knowledge, and feel more empowered to live authentically."
- J.N. (Montreal)